PiSquared Blog
Blog about geeky stuff, computers, physics and life.
Pi Squared ⇔ Daniel Tsvetkov
I do computer stuff, run, and run side projects about computer stuff. I enjoy physics, astronomy, science in general. I like to go to competitions and hackathons of various sorts, meet interesting people, exchange crazy ideas and meet again one day somewhere in the world (happens all the time). I have many ideas, theories and views about the world and that's why I have this blog. ![]() Pi Squared because when I was small I loved reading Murderous Maths books. In one of them, they explained how π² it is not frequently met in formulas and since then I am a fan. I write some of my posts in Bulgarian because sometimes I need to express my frustrations in my own language. Self-hosted Git | GitLab | LinkedIn | |
October 2018 - current Technical Solutions Engineer - Google Cloud
Supporting customers of Google Cloud Platform, specializing in infrastructure and security offerings such as GCE, GKE, IAM, IAP, KMS, Security Command Center and others. Working closely with both product engineers and technical account managers to accelerate solutions and gurantee customer success. KlarrioAntwerp
January - September 2018Consultant & DevOps Engineer
PROS (previously Vayant)Sofia
February - December 2017Automation Engineer / System Administrator
Automation Software developer - Building automation software aiding the QA for an airfare pricing company. Everyday tools include Python, Javascript, Django, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Bash. Working in a well setup Agile Scrum environment. System administrator - Responsible for local IT insfrastructure, development cluster and production clusters in Dallas, TX and Amsterdam. Using Nagios, Cacti, Puppet, Bash. OpinewGlasgow
November 2014 - December 2016 Start up founder
Opinew - shopify plugin that allows you to view, post and manage reviews for your shop in a modern way. Pivoted from the startup idea of: find and express opinions about anything! Creating a service that aggregates opinions about everything. A single place where you can search opinions, express your beliefs about the topics you care the most and be recognized as an expert by the community. Google InternshipMountain View
June 2014 - September 2014Internship
Internship at Google in the heart of the Silicon Valley - Mountain View. Working on infrastructure project, creating visualizations and summary reports. Other than that - played a lot of quidditch, visited Disneyland and got to know amazing people. Glasgow University Tech SocietyGlasgow
September 2013 - November 2014Internship
webpage of the society. Organized a two 48 hour hackathon events with financial support of Skyscanner, SAS, Github, Barclays, JPMorgan, Dominos, SIE, Informatic ventures and others.
Organizing events, workshops and groups with extra curricular activities to give the competitive advantage of University of Glasgow students in IT industry. Created the JPMorgan Code for GoodLondon
16 - 18 November 2012 Competition
A hackaton-style competition called J.P. Morgan Code for Good. Together with a team (from my old school) we had to code an application for Nature Conservacy in about 24 hours from scratch. Our idea was to create a web app where everyone can take challenges to help the environment - alone or with friends. The code for the application is public in a github repo. Google Android Camp London
12 - 18 August 2012 Camp
My first London visit was accompanied by incredible journey through Google offices, a LOT of coding while learning the Android platform, lots of food and amazing people. That's what Google Android Camp was about. Oh, and my team (called "Random" bizarrely, the name was not even chosen by me!) won first place. We made an application for cooking with recepies but with the subtle difference that it dictates the recipes and you can voice control it (sort of). Физици Филми ("Physicists Films")
2007 - 2012 Project
During high school together with my classmate Alexander Lalev we made documentary movies about physics and we called our project "Physicists Films". It demonstrated science as we saw it, outside of the classroom boundaries. The films were uploaded by us for free as we believe that knowledge must be free and everyone should benefit from it. We presented the movies in schools, conferences and competitions, most notably the Euro-Expo Sciences 2010 in Moscow. It surely was great fun and we are looking forward to continue our project one day. International Astronomy Olympiad Crimea
29 October - 14 November 2007 Competition
Amazing journey to Crimea peninsula where the XIIIth International Astronomy Olympiad was held. We traveled by train for three days where we were solving problems, getting to know each other quite close (ha-ha) and enjoy big walks in Kiev. The nature in Crimea was astonishing just in the middle of the autumn and the competition was quite fierce. However we god one first place, one second and two bronze. |