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PiSquared Blog

Blog about geeky stuff, computers, physics and life.

Week 10

Tags: English, university
Created on Fri, 11 Oct 2013

This week - charts.

how i met your mother - marshal showing his favourite bars on a pie chart and his favourite pies in a bar chart

Almost. But not quite. We were talking about Gantt and PERT charts. Cool stuff that bussiness people talk all the time. They just love it - give them meetings, status reports, where is it going, how much is it gonna cost, who is working on what, what needs to be done in order to AAA! Just do IT!

To be honest - I hate planning (no way, you couldn't have guessed from the rant above). Not just the process of planing, the execution of it. I just can't work with a plan - it limits me or it pushes me - never with the right speed. The right speed depends on many factors including distance and time but in this context - my current mood, level of entropy in the Universe and amount of food around me. The bad thing is that it's a must do and not want to do - and that's all the difference for me. I'm the kind of person that just wants to do the work, not plan it.

But... some people need it. Some people need to know what is going on when and how. And because I must to work with other people, I will do my best to draw charts.